BQH and QHHT Hypnosis for Self Healing and Transformation


Discover the power of Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) to explore your past lives, release emotional blockages, and experience profound healing. These unique forms of hypnosis therapy offer deep insights and spiritual connections, guiding you toward self-healing and transformation.

Benefits of QHHT and BQH Hypnosis:

  • Access past life memories and experiences
  • Gain insights into physical and emotional challenges
  • Heal unresolved trauma and emotional pain
  • Connect with your higher self and spirit guides
  • Discover your life purpose and soul journey
  • Experience deep emotional release and healing
  • Rebalance your energy for overall well-being.

Who Can Benefit?
BQH and QHHT Hypnosis are suitable for anyone looking for spiritual growth, emotional healing, or clarity about life’s challenges. These hypnosis techniques work at a deep subconscious level, providing insight and healing for a variety of physical and emotional issues.

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What is BQH?
Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) builds on the principles of QHHT but adds greater flexibility. This form of hypnosis therapy is not limited to in-person sessions, making it an excellent choice for those seeking online healing. BQH taps into the client’s higher self and the quantum field, allowing for multi-dimensional healing and deep spiritual insights. Whether in person or remotely, BQH can help resolve emotional blockages, past traumas, and energy imbalances. You can book an Online BQH session with me from anywhere in the world and have the session at the comfort of your home.

What is QHHT?
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is a powerful modality developed by Dolores Cannon. Through deep hypnosis, QHHT allows you to access the subconscious mind and explore past life memories. This process can uncover the root causes of physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges, offering valuable insights that promote self-healing. Many individuals find relief from long-standing issues and gain a better understanding of their life purpose after a QHHT session. QHHT Session is performed in-person only.

What happens during a BQH or QHHT session?
During the session an individual is induced into the Somnambulistic state of trance through visualization. This is a state which you commonly experienced twice daily: the moment just before you fall asleep and the moment you become consciously awake. During this state, The Subconscious gives access to deeper insights, past lives and performs instantaneous healings when appropriate. QHHT and BQH techniques have proven to be effective on thousands of people all over the world regardless of their age, gender, personality, physical symptoms, religious beliefs, or cultural backgrounds.

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